Solar Power with Solar Tracker
I have decided to not feed the Electrical company and the government with more of my money. So now i will go all in, Solar power!
But it was not as easy as i thought. There is many ideas and "experts" out there so i felt that i have to do my own research to.
The solar panels, Inverters are easy, but when you want to get off-grid it start to be difficult. The reason? Most of the people i talked with say its not economical, thats it. But for me its not the money first, its about that i "WANT TO BE FREE". I don't want to be dependent of some company that can just raise the fee or the kWh price 2 times a year.
So here we go. The OFFGRID system i already have.
My home
I live in central Sweden about 100 km south of Stockholm. My plan is to setup the Solar tracker behind my garage to southwest.
Its a big different in summer and winter here. The sun altitude summer and winter as below..
Facts from my location
LAT: N 58°47'18.53'' 58.78848°
LON: E 16°48'11.12'' 16.80309°
UTM: 33V 604218 6517902
40 m.ö.h (meters above sea-level)
Normal wind 280-300 degrees, upp to 20 m/s
Temperatur max 34.0° min -12.4°
Altitud N-S (Height) max 7.9 degree
Azimut E-W 138-220 degree
Sun up in 82 degrees. 6 hours and 5 minutes
Altitud N-S (Height) max 54.6 degree
Azimut Ö-W 40-319 degree
Sun up in 280 degrees. 18 hours and 27 minutes
Panorama 300 degree
Solar Tracker
The bearing is actually a wheel hub to Volvo 850 (I hope it dont break) New sparepart only 55USD
Winter Solar movement
Summer Solar movement
12 Solpaneler på Solar Tracking stativ och 24 paneler fast monterade på träställning på mark.
Fast montage har jag valt 42 gradera lutning då det borde vara den optimala vinkeln för både sommar och vinter.
Azimuth East - West
Is the movement from East when the sun goes up to West where the sun goes down. At my location in Sweden the Solar Tracker has to move 279 degrees!
I was thinking that a wheel-hub from a Volvo must be strong and reliable so i got a new one for 50USD.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Costs and links